Master new skills. Soar to great heights. Being a Cub opens up a whole other world.
Cookham Cubs are for boys and girls aged between eight and ten and a half. We have two packs:
Robert Scott Cubs meet on a Wednesday evening
David Livingstone Cubs meet on a Thursday evening.
Both meet between 6:45pm and 8.15pm.. Both packs generally follow the same programme of activities, tailored to the specific needs and desires of the Cubs in each pack. The Cub programme is lively and adventurous, with a focus on developing skills, friendships and character. We are outdoors all summer and often in the cooler months too.
Cubs can attend a number of big activities each year:
We run a big, themed Cub Camp each late May Bank Holiday weekend
There are several District-wide competitions Cubs can take part in, plus trips to a local Pantomime.
Our Cub Leadership team have many years’ experience and are qualified for leading many activities, from Archery to Nights Away, and from Axe-throwing to Wall-climbing.
Cubs focus on earning badges on a wide variety of activities, from the Animal Carer badge to the World Faiths badge. Our cubs particularly enjoy activities like Backwoods Cooking, DIY, Water Activities and Hobbies. Cubs are grouped into Sixes, where the older cubs look after the younger ones.
As Cubs develop their skills and experience, they naturally move up within the Six and earn more badges, with the aim of earning the Chief Scout’s Silver Award by the time they go up to Scouts.