
Scouts is a uniformed organisation, and uniform is a key part of our identity. We are keen to make sure that nobody is excluded for financial reasons so if you need help in getting hold of uniform just let any leader know.

You don’t need your full uniform on for all activities (its often not needed for outside activities) but we still want everyone to wear something that identifies them as a member of Cookham Scouts.  New joiners get given a Cookham Scout Group T shirt. When you have outgrown it then replacements are available to buy, as are our warm sweatshirts. We also produce T shirts and / or hoodies to go with many of our Camps.

Neckerchiefs, Woggles, Cookham Scouts T shirts and Cookham Scouts Sweatshirts are available via our Webshop (‘Shop’ on the top menu on this page).  Select and pay for goods online and take the proof of purchase email along to the next section meeting to collect your goods.

For what uniform is needed, if you get it provided by us or need to buy it, and where you can get it from, take a look at our Section uniform information below:


What you need We give you this You need to buy this Optional Cookham HQ Online Scout Store Maidenhead Scout Shop
Cookham Neckerchief When you first join the Group Replacements Y Y
Swan badge for neckerchief Yes Y
Cookham Group T shirt When you first join the Group Replacements Y Y
Cookham Group Sweatshirt Y Y


What you need We give you this You need to buy this Optional Cookham HQ Online Scout Store Maidenhead Scout Shop
Beaver Jumper or beaver t-shirt Y Y Y
Woggle Y Y



What you need We give you this You need to buy this Optional Cookham HQ Online Scout Store Maidenhead Scout Shop
Cubs Uniform Y Y Y
Woggle Y Y


We wear a scout shirt and a Cookham neckerchief with a leather Scout woggle, plus  plain, dark trousers, shorts or leggings (no jeans, jeggings or jeans shorts).  Most evenings part of our programme takes place outside in our garden so take a warm top / waterproof.

Some of the Activity Badges earned in Cubs can transfer across to the Scout shirt: the highest level of the Staged Activity Badges (the blue ones with a purple border) like the Nights Away, Emergency Aid and Swimming badges.

What you need We give you this You need to buy this Optional Cookham HQ Online Scout Store Maidenhead Scout Shop
Scout uniform shirt Y Y Y
Leather Scout woggle First one Replacements Y Y


Wear Cookham Scout T shirts and neckers. Past Camp T shirts and Hoodies are fine too. We lend out uniforms for Church Parade and provide them for Explorer Scouts serving as Young Leaders in other sections

What you need We give you this You need to buy this Optional Cookham HQ Online Scout Store Maidenhead Scout Shop
Explorer uniform shirt Y
Leather Scout woggle Y
Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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